The 5th Annual Key West Dachshund Walk will be held, as usual, on New Year's Eve Day, Thursday, December 31 at
12 NOON.This is a quirky Key West tradition that is very popular - last year we had 168 dachshunds in attendance! Can you believe it?
We gather at the corner of Whitehead and Fleming for a brief sniff and greet and an attempt at a group photo on the steps of the courthouse building. Then we head over on Fleming St. to Duval for our little walk down to Southard and back to the starting place.
The Dachshund Walk is a kid friendly event, it's not a fundraiser, it's just for FUN.
Costumes are not required, although enjoyed.For any additional information, people & pooches can contact Ruth Reiter at 293-8019 or
Saturday, December 26, 2009
5th annual key west dachshund walk
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
a conch holiday
I'm not sure who wrote it but it's pretty cool.
Enjoy. . .
T'was the night before Christmas and all thru the house,
Came the aroma of black beans, baked pork and souse!
The lawn was so green, no snow on the ground,
Just an old plastic snowman stuck in the sand mound.
The stockings were hung on the palm trees so green
In hopes that St. Nick would soon make the scene!

Such as oranges, tangerines and avocado pear,
In the center of the table was Florida holly placed
Around bowls of punch, some Cuban-rum laced.
But the best of all was the Conchs pride,
The world famous homemade Key Lime pie!
The children were cuddled at night in their bed,
Remembering what mom and dad had said:
“ So we don’t have the chimneys with snow all around,
Santa will still find our Key West Conch Town!”

We rushed to the verandah, when our sleepy eyes found
The full moon was shining upon a bright red jet ski
Led by eight tiny dolphins swimming merrily!
Santa’s white beard flying in the tropical breeze,
Wearing his muscle shirt with red Bermudas above his knees,
The Conch of the Republic Flag draped around his neck,
As he landed near the umbrella on the patio deck!
We heard the HO! HO! HO! And a bell-ringing noise
When we spied the big sackful of colorful toys!
We muffled a sigh so Santa couldn’t hear
We saw the fishing rods, snorkels and dive gear
Along with the water skis floats and bikinis,
Instead of sleds, snowshoes and thermal skivvies!
Which we all readily agree is so very fine
For the folks north of the Mason-Dixon Line!

Because as Santa dashes away, he has his personal reasons
For Saying, “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
So sorry to leave, wish I could stay here,
And enjoy all these holidays in “conchy” Key West,
On the porch, sipping Margaritas and rocking with the best!”
Then silhouetted against the moon and much to our surprise,
The jet ski and dolphins became sled and reindeer
before our eyes!
So don’t get upset when you hear some complaints
About no seasons and Christmas, it ain’t!
When we know very well, we are happy to be
Here in the sunshine and Key West by the sea!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
casa de la navidad - VIDEO
I premiered this video last Christmas. But, since then, the blog has welcomed so many newer viewers and I thought it was only right to share it again.
Happy, Merry Everyone.
click arrow to start video. run time, 3:20
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
pet night at the bight
I dreamed I was a fly on the wall at homeland security. . ."Hey!! Who's that guy hangin' out and drawing a crowd down at the bight?
He's wearin' a red suit, could be some kind of Communist!
And look at the long hair and his beard!
I bet he's some hippie throw-back protesting the wars!!
. . .And what's in that pipe he's smoking??""And look at this, he's got a helper!
Looks like she's recruiting some radical reindeer militia member!!
. . .and right under the navy's nose!!"
"We'd better raise the threat level from green to red and break out the water cannon!!!"Oh No, No, No and Ho, Ho, Ho my paranoid patriots, it's "Just 4 Kids" Pet Pictures with Santa Night at the Bight. Just one of the many events that have been part of the "Bight Before Christmas" Celebration.
(I was a fly on the wall there too. . . a fotograpic fly)There were doggie-dogs and kitty-cats and pets of all persuasions.
(Someone even brought their hamster.)All those doggies!
The only thing more popular than Santa, was this tree.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
the "bight" before christmas
A couple of weeks ago I volunteered to get a little involved with Key West's 5 week "Bight Before Christmas" festivities.
Now, I know what you're thinking and you're right; being "a little involved" is as contradictory as being "a little pregnant". But to the extent that I could help out designing the logo, putting some flyers together and getting the celebration some coverage in the Blue Paper, it's nowhere near as involved as Barb Wright and Tom Stroh, the event organizers, are in doing the all the leg-work and heavy lifting to bring so many events together.
Anyway, it's been a cool Christmas thing to do.
They've got everything going on from a tree lighting and shopping sprees to Christmas movies for your kids, Santa pictures with your pets and a live concert. Best of all, most of it's free so, when you're out and about, check it out.
Here's a link to the website and a full schedule of events. . .
The "Bight" Before Christmas
Friday, December 4, 2009
night moves
Community Clock, Duval & Southard
The Bight at Night, Key West Historic Seaport
San Carlos Institute, Overlooking Duval Street
Reflections, Key West Historic Seaport
Poop Deck, Key West Historic Seaport
The Bight Before Christmas, Key West Historic Seaport