Once upon a time, February 21st was the celebration of George Washington's birthday.
So it's probably not such a coincidence that on February 21st, 1885, the Washington Monument was dedicated. At 555 feet, it was the tallest structure in the world and today must, by D.C. law, remain the tallest building in the capital.
Anyway, now the day is dedicated to all our Presidents.
(as if they all deserved it)
So what I've done here is a short montage of all the "official" Presidential portraits so far with a little music behind it.
You might be thinking I used "Hail to the Chief" in the clip
(it would make perfect sense after all) but I didn't for a couple of reasons. First off, it's not long enough, it's not a particularly good tune and marching music drives me up a tree. So I found something just as patriotic, much more interesting and a better representation of my left of center political views.
Enjoy. . .
Click arrow to start video. Run time, 2:40
Monday, February 21, 2011
president's day, 2011 - VIDEO
Sunday, February 6, 2011
sculpture key west
Sculpture Key West (SKW) is an annual Keys event dedicated to celebrating the arts. An outdoor event, Sculpture Key West features the work of artists from around the world at 4 distinctive venues. . .
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park, the Key West Garden Club at West Martello Tower, the KeyWest Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden and 540 Greene Street. (sorry, no website)
As I see it, the function of art is to draw the participant (I do believe viewing or listening to any form of art is a participatory action) to draw the participant, at least temporarily, out of their prescribed mindset. (although sometimes the impression can be lasting).
It can bring a smile, enrage passions, inspire new thoughts, inform or even confuse the holy hell out of you.
I experienced that gamut of motivations recently when I took advantage of my new found "auto-mobility" to visit a few of the SKW venues.
Here's a sampling of what I found. . .
Fort Zachary TaylorSquare Wave, Bill Wood
Photosynthesis, Myung Gyun You
Angel, Luciano di Rosa
Contemporary Cannon, Tom Risser
Hard Place, Jiwan Noah Singh
Key West Tropical Forest & Botanical GardenDiaspora Series, Lori Nozick
Anima, Susan Bennett
No Longer Waiting, Roberta Marks
Key West Garden Cub @ West Martello TowerWall of Wisdom, Susan Johnson
Rasta Rooster, Bounce Margil
Angeline, Lynn Umlauf
Templates of Clouds, Maja Godlewska
Now this is one of those pieces of art that informs.
(at least, it taught me something new)
Laid out in a large circle were better than a dozen old album covers that had been transferred onto tiles at actual album cover size. They were records from the 50's & 60's by a dude called "The Mighty Sparrow".
Well, I'd never heard of him so, being the kind of inquisitive mind I am, I looked him up. . .Sparrow Come Back Home, Buckley & Mark Harris
. . .and this cat is truly, "The King of Calypso"!
Check out these 3 links I've attached.
You're gonna love this guy!!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
i sat belonely

to find such wonderous voice.
Puzzly, puzzle, wonder why,
I hear but I have no choice.

I potty menthol shout.
"I know you hiddy by this tree",
But still she won't come out.

an hour or two or so
I wakeny slow and took a peep
and still no lady show.